by Gary Albyn
INFORMAL: A catastrophic event that destroys the existing institutions and norms of society.
(An acronym deriving from ‘The End Of The World As We Know It.’)
As clichéd as it may sound, there can be no doubt that the world is going through a great period of upheaval. Whatever the outcome, it’s a sure bet that life on our mortal coil has been turned on its head. While no seer, futurist or clairvoyant can possibly foretell what’s in store, I sense there’s still more to come.
If that is indeed the case, what contingency plans have you made for yourself and your family?
Aimed at the layman, TEOTWAWKI SURVIVAL—Building a Bug-Out-Bag for the Transition—offers advice and guidance on how to prepare a survival ‘grab-bag’ for that unforeseen emergency or evacuation. The suggestions and recommendations in this book may help alleviate some of the anguish associated with being forced to transition from comfort to cave.

As already mentioned, a true TEOTWAWKI situation could be caused by any number of X-Events. Although it provides us with countless benefits, our dependence on technology could actually be our Achilles Heel. The collapse of any one of our hi-tech systems could be catastrophic: the Internet; the banking system and the power grid, to name but a few.
Given the very real threat of a strike against our fleet of circling satellites, it makes sense that the US Government recently announced the formation of the US Space Force. Any attack directed toward our satellites would render useless a multitude of sophisticated systems. For one, your car’s GPS would cease to function. Sure, include a handheld GPS in your Bug-Out-Bag, but make an effort to learn how to use a map and compass, if you don’t already know how.
Quality Compass (Essential)
A compass does way more than just point out magnetic north. That said, its value can only be truly liberated when used in conjunction with a detailed topographical map of the area in which you’re located, or looking to traverse. Apart from a magnetized needle submerged in a bath of alcohol, a good compass has many other features. The tilting mirror (an integral part of many compasses), can double-up as a reflective signaling device. Look also for a compass that has a built-in magnifying glass. It not only helps you read the small print on your map but can also be used to start a fire by concentrating the sun’s rays. I carry a TRUARC 15 COMPASS made by Brunton.
Interested in learning more, check out TEOTWAWKI SURVIVAL—Building a Bug-Out-Bag for the Transition.
About the author:
Gary Albyn has authored and ghost-written a number of books. He also puts his engineering background to good use as a professional technical writer. Originally from Rhodesia—Zimbabwe today—Albyn is an avid traveler and adventurer whose life has encompassed many divergent interests, careers and experiences. His life-long passion for aviation started as a trainee pilot with the Rhodesian Air Force in the late 70s. Besides delighting in rotary flight, Albyn has held board-level positions in the corporate arena; worked as a civilian coalition contractor in the Second Gulf War; consulted with TV documentary crews on two continents; presented internationally on conservation matters; and spent over three years as the senior instructor at one of the world’s foremost bodyguard academies in Cape Town, South Africa. As evidenced in Manzovo—his first acclaimed title—Albyn is also passionate about wildlife conservation. He lives with his wife Cathy in California, USA.