If you are looking for these options, please use the links below:
Customer Support
- Our business hours are Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Mountain Standard Time. We can only respond to your requests during business hours.
- Direct Line: 1-800-443-4871
- Use the form below to help direct you to the correct person. If you have trouble using the form you can contact our support team directly at support@brunton.com.
All other Inquiries:
- For Sales inquiries beyond our website, contact: sales@brunton.com
- Also visit our Dealer Inquiries , Education/Survey/Non-Profit Organizations , or International Distributors pages if applicable.
- For Accounts Payable (if we owe you money), contact: ap@brunton.com
- For Accounts Receivable (if you owe us money), contact: ar@brunton.com
*Please note that due to the high volume of requests for product donations and sponsorships, responses will be limited to requests that align with our core values and/or our region. While we love for everyone to use our products, Brunton cannot supply donations for every event or for personal expeditions.